Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Second Sneaky Peak at VICTIM OF SUCCESS

All of literary world is talking about upcoming release of first memoir by IVANA, 
"VICTIM OF SUCCESS"!!! Ivana have several international photo shoots with foto takers from Vogue of all nationals to see who can make best shot for back cover!!!! Today I share second peek into the memoir, telling about the first love from life of Ivana!!!! ENJOY and THANK YOU TO ALL FAN OF IVANA!!!!!!!


  When Ivana was eleven years of age, she was walking her miniature poodle “Grudshka” through Red Square when her eyes met the eyes of the most handsome, stylish, and sexual man she had ever seen in her life. His hair was as slick as the oil oligarchs like him made fortunes from. His fedora was at the same angle as that of Nikita Mikhalov’s in “Visiting Dmitry Gordon.” As he approached Ivana, she noticed a heavy musk she knew had to be from a cologne made from ingredients more rare, more treasured, than saffron or whale sperm.
Although Ivana could tell this was one of the richest and most powerful men in the nation, as he approached and saw how much more beautiful she was with every step, he began mumbling incoherently.
“What is wrong with you?” Ivana asked. “A real man would not be reduced to quivering jelly even by the most attractive young lady in the history of Moscow.”
Composing himself, the oligarch pulled out a business card and handed it to Ivana. On heavy, glossy black paper was simply written, NIKOLAI LISIN. MOSCOW.
“Nothing but that?” Ivana asked. “No address? No cellular number? I have the most expensive Blackberry currently available on the market.”
“A man of my stature cannot disclose such information,” he said, winking obscenely.
So now, Ivana thought, he wants to hit on me. Well, I will show him that I am not the kind of eleven-year-old who needs to be led by a wealthy adult male. “Meet me right here, tomorrow,” she said. “Bring two dozen white roses, Chanel perfume, and a Dior brooch. Then we will see if I am willing to ask you out.”
He nodded and strode away.
Several days later, Ivana was involved in her first serious love relationship with this man, whose name was Nikolai Lisin. However, to Ivana and Ivana only he was known as Nikolai Nikolai. This was a man with so much political and economic power that he could bankrupt Uzbekistan with a single gesture of his left hand and begin an entente with Azerbaijan with his right, yet Ivana reduced him to a powerless object to be toyed with and manipulated at will.
Years later, Ivana sees how people from the West assume that older women have control over their young girlfriends and brides. She reads critiques of Russian men who do not do anything bad and wait until legal age of consent birthday to hold wedding. Ivana knows the negativity is absurd; in every relationship, the woman should have all power, all control. If a woman does not, or if she let a man coerce her into things she doesn’t want to do, she is weak. She is at fault. If a woman says she has had a Me Too Moment, it means she is weak and let herself behave like a victim or couldn’t handle the expectations that women should and do face when they leave the house and go into public, where men will be attracted to them.
     In 2018, Ivana scheduled an event at University of St. Petersburg III to debate the Me Too movement with a horrible, manly feminist professor from USA. However, the students of Russia had already been brainwashed to believe the USA propaganda. Ivana was given many negative reactions by these Westernized bastard people, and she canceled the event and erased all footage proving it had ever happened. Ivana is still considering libel and slander lawsuit to file in International Criminal Court.

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