Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Elena Radionova: "[E]veryone is like, OMG Lil Rose you look so bangable right now."

Ivana Komova’s interview with Elena Radionova for

IK: The end of your competitive career overlapped with the ascendancy of Eteri Tutberidze’s school. You must have had special insight competing against them, as you were once the young Russian girl succeeding in her first senior Grand Prix season.

ER: Oh yeah, like, totally. My second time at Junior Worlds, people were like, OMG Radio shouldn’t be competing there ‘cause she already won and, like, there were all these old-ass ladies raving about Sasha Proklova. Sasha trained with me and she was always kissing up to Inna, saying, Oh Inna, your bangs look hot today. Oh Inna, your fur coats are awesomer than anyone’s. Oh Inna, I wish you’d let Nikolai Morosov choreograph for me. We’d make a totally awesome couple.

IK: Whatever happened to Proklova?

ER: Like, who? LOL, I was just thinking about this killer dark red lipstick I saw at the mall. I have this totally hot dress with a picture of that, like, famous Japanese wave picture on it. I do these Insta photo shoots with my friends. It’s literally awesome.

IK: Moving back to the beginning of your skating experience, you originally started in the sport because your parents thought it would help your club foot.

ER: Cray, right? You know that when you’re like thirteen, skating boots make your feet look so fuckin’ big? I remember people calling me, like, Bigfoot and shit like that. Do you know how much it hurts when assholes on the internet totally, like, insult your feet and your posture and . . . God, they even talked trash about JLo. She is, like, the tenth most iconic American model/actress. 

IK: Did your coaches tell you to stay away from the online chat sites?

ER: Who has time to read all that shit? And, OMG, the letters are so fuckin' small. I heard you can totally try to make them bigger but all that computer shit is just, no. And all the Russian tabloids are always trying to say the skaters have, like, totally wild affairs and got boob jobs and are doing molly in Ibiza during the off season. Like, so fucking what? We’re people, people! 

IK: I know a UK-based website where you had a lot of ardent fans. Did you know they gave you a nickname, Little Rose, after your Titanic program?

ER: That is literally the greatest movie of all time. I was pissed off at Nikolai for not including more  totally killer lines. Like, “Draw me like some French bitches?” Would that not have saved the children or some shit like that? And, like, that scene where the old woman was remembering how Leonardo DiCaprio’s hand was like leaning against a window while they banged but now she’s super old and he’s dead and shit? God, that would have been so awesome-ass.

IK: So you wanted more voiceovers but Morosov didn’t accept the suggestion?

ER: LOL, when I first started working with him I got a text from Jana Khokhlova who was like, Girl you watch out for that weasel. I was like, How exactly are you still relevant? Like, your ass won Euros in literally the weakest-ass field since I was born. Or was it before I was even fuckin’ born? It gets so hard with shit about time, right?

IK: I sometimes feel that way. Now that you’re not competing, can you say you’re relieved not to feel pressure to train triple Axels and quads to compete with girls like Trusova and Kostornaia?

ER: Until I turned like eighteen, I could eat whatever I wanted and it would literally have, like, no effect on my body. It was like, chocolate for dinner? Awesome! Fettuccini Alfredo and Thai iced tea for breakfast? Bring that shit on? So, like, I wonder if these girls also have killer metabolisms and they don’t even know what they could eat because they can’t eat it because they’re not allowed to. Like, all the missing yumminess? You don’t literally do that to a child. 

IK: I resent that comment, particularly as it is completely lacking any concrete evidence. In hindsight, don’t you wish you had learned to follow a stricter diet?

ER: You know, I was just talking about this with my BFF and we were like, These Canadian skater girls look like actual people but they can still do most of the jumps. Like, their style sucks and they usually have fuckin’ ugly-ass hair, but how is that shit possible? It’s like there’s something about the water in Russia.

IK: Maybe it’s better to stay away from the water. Also, I think the way different cultures approach the scientific aspects of athletics might play a role in what you’re analyzing.

ER: Girl, I literally have no fuckin’ idea what you just said. Like, it’s totally confusing having to talk to adults who use these big-ass words. When I was getting home schooled my tutor would have me, like, count to five and play a lullaby on the kazoo and my homework was literally to go to skating practice. 

IK: Well, practice must have worked because your style and passion won you many fans.

ER: OMG, I totally have so many followers on Insta. It’s cray. I like, post a picture showing off my awesome new lipstick and everyone is like, OMG Lil Rose you look so bangable right now I totally can’t believe it. It is pretty awesome, and even Tuktamysheva follows me and we totally hated each other’s guts when we were competitors. Now she’s like the sexy old woman of skating and I live for that shit! Tell us about your hottie and what you get up to in the bedroom, Empress! Spill that tea and slay your programs! Fill up one third of the rink with your slammin’ body!

IK: These compliments toward your former competitor are definitive proof that, no matter what other ladies skaters may have had that you didn't, no one ever skated with more heart than you did.

ER: Yeah, totes. I always had hearts on, like, my skates and my jewelry and my lucky thong. I totally don’t trust anyone who isn’t into hearts. It’s like, OMG, have you not seen the video for that old-ass song? Turn around, whatever heart something. It’s literally iconic.

IK: As Rose herself said in Titanic, "A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets."

ER: OMG, whatever.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Hello to all fan of IVANA!!! Today I share live typed review of USA TV show feature Johnny Weird and Tara Lippisssi!!!! It was worst hour of TV in many years so please enjoy opinion of Ivana and share comment and order plastic surgeries in celebration of moment!!!!

First match: Rod Dick against Bones. GODLESS HOMOSEXUALITY!!!!

Bones have no wife or family, only person named LUNCHBOX. Ivana is horror confused. Is there homosexual involvement??!?


Jealous stripper eat lick spit on pole?!?!?!?

Grease pole?!?!?


Climb grind pole with naked bottom?!?!!?!?!


No one want to ice pole. Ivana understand, as that take much skill.

Do not understand what unbolt pole is, but GODLESS HORROR

This show cannot be excepted!!! I open large bottle of Stolichnaya to make it to Weird/Lippisi portion.


Now we go from pole to HOLE?!?! Who write this show, Adam Rippon????????

Spend too much money on hole?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

CONSTRUCTION WORKER ENJOY THE HOLE!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finally we have good answer, man having sex enter hole. As long as hole belong to woman IVANA excepts it.

Deck erotic family seem to have lead. I have now consume 700 mL of vodka, show become more wonder but in HORROR way.


What do bride have troubles with if drunk sex in hole before climb onto wedding pole?!?

Saying her vowels??!?! I have drunk but can use vowels. Or did person say bowel not vowel? Hard to understand USA accent!!!

DRESSING - I hope choose RUSSIAN or ISLAND OF THE 1,000

ROUND 3!!!

'Name thing with bee worn above the genitalia"




Ivana switch from Stolichnaya to Grappa!!!! 

Lunch Box also seem intoxicated????? Or he do meth like other USA Souths???!??!?!

Deck Dick Rod family WIN!!!!!

What is prize????????

BLOUSE is prize, IVANA hope that it is CHANEL but think it come from Farm of the Fleet. I cannot say more as eyes are closing and mind spin faster than Lucinda Ru

Monday, July 15, 2019


Hello to all fan of IVANA. Today I take break from promoting wonder upcoming memoir "VICTIM OF SUCCESS" to release helpful infos about places in cyber web to learn about news of skating! Today I cover USA forum, next post Russia followed by Asia Orient.

In 0 to 100 score ranking!!!

Golden Skat

Wonder factor:
  • Many poster say positive about Eteri and her skaters
  • Less godlessness than some other skating sites
Horror factor:
  • Technology look of 1992
  • Average poster age 15 and IQ 72
  • Most posters above those numbers become banned in 3-5 minutes
  • Many posters cannot afford Chanel accessory
  • Multiple posters with fanatic view of Max Aaron
  • Someone post link to IVANA but in section cannot see without pay
  • General ugly stupid horror
IVANA score 7.3 out of 100

Primetimer (use to be call Previous TV Forums)

Wonder factor:
  • Although posts are horror there are not many
Horror factor:
  • Technology look of 2009
  • Average poster age 55 and IQ 101
  • All poster rabid fan of Dave Rent to Own
  • Not enough talk of Eteri
  • Too much take of The Lessen of Skating
IVANA score 8.5 out of 100

Lounge of Data

Wonder factor:
  • Many poster compliment physical aspects of Mikhail Kolyada
  • Poster write libels about FUS and Golden Skat
Horror factor:
  • Rampant homosexuality
  • Ivana not interested in buttock of Yuzuru Hanyu
  • Godless homosexuality
  • Technology look of 1994
  • Average poster is homosexual
  • References to homosexuality are all over 
IVANA score 6.9 out of 100


Not worth review.

ISU Forums

Not worth review.


Wonder factor:
  • Not many Eteri fan but those who are post strong supports
  • Ivana create confusion toward many including Savchenko
  • 6-8 member who represent conservative values and Godlessnesslessness
Horror factor:
  • Technology look of 1999
  • Many fake troll 'n' bot poster
  • People who think are funny but are not
  • So many bully ruin site
  • Criminality 
  • Liberalism
  • Someone posts Ivana link in forum must pay to access
IVANA score 7.3 out of 100

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Second Sneaky Peak at VICTIM OF SUCCESS

All of literary world is talking about upcoming release of first memoir by IVANA, 
"VICTIM OF SUCCESS"!!! Ivana have several international photo shoots with foto takers from Vogue of all nationals to see who can make best shot for back cover!!!! Today I share second peek into the memoir, telling about the first love from life of Ivana!!!! ENJOY and THANK YOU TO ALL FAN OF IVANA!!!!!!!


  When Ivana was eleven years of age, she was walking her miniature poodle “Grudshka” through Red Square when her eyes met the eyes of the most handsome, stylish, and sexual man she had ever seen in her life. His hair was as slick as the oil oligarchs like him made fortunes from. His fedora was at the same angle as that of Nikita Mikhalov’s in “Visiting Dmitry Gordon.” As he approached Ivana, she noticed a heavy musk she knew had to be from a cologne made from ingredients more rare, more treasured, than saffron or whale sperm.
Although Ivana could tell this was one of the richest and most powerful men in the nation, as he approached and saw how much more beautiful she was with every step, he began mumbling incoherently.
“What is wrong with you?” Ivana asked. “A real man would not be reduced to quivering jelly even by the most attractive young lady in the history of Moscow.”
Composing himself, the oligarch pulled out a business card and handed it to Ivana. On heavy, glossy black paper was simply written, NIKOLAI LISIN. MOSCOW.
“Nothing but that?” Ivana asked. “No address? No cellular number? I have the most expensive Blackberry currently available on the market.”
“A man of my stature cannot disclose such information,” he said, winking obscenely.
So now, Ivana thought, he wants to hit on me. Well, I will show him that I am not the kind of eleven-year-old who needs to be led by a wealthy adult male. “Meet me right here, tomorrow,” she said. “Bring two dozen white roses, Chanel perfume, and a Dior brooch. Then we will see if I am willing to ask you out.”
He nodded and strode away.
Several days later, Ivana was involved in her first serious love relationship with this man, whose name was Nikolai Lisin. However, to Ivana and Ivana only he was known as Nikolai Nikolai. This was a man with so much political and economic power that he could bankrupt Uzbekistan with a single gesture of his left hand and begin an entente with Azerbaijan with his right, yet Ivana reduced him to a powerless object to be toyed with and manipulated at will.
Years later, Ivana sees how people from the West assume that older women have control over their young girlfriends and brides. She reads critiques of Russian men who do not do anything bad and wait until legal age of consent birthday to hold wedding. Ivana knows the negativity is absurd; in every relationship, the woman should have all power, all control. If a woman does not, or if she let a man coerce her into things she doesn’t want to do, she is weak. She is at fault. If a woman says she has had a Me Too Moment, it means she is weak and let herself behave like a victim or couldn’t handle the expectations that women should and do face when they leave the house and go into public, where men will be attracted to them.
     In 2018, Ivana scheduled an event at University of St. Petersburg III to debate the Me Too movement with a horrible, manly feminist professor from USA. However, the students of Russia had already been brainwashed to believe the USA propaganda. Ivana was given many negative reactions by these Westernized bastard people, and she canceled the event and erased all footage proving it had ever happened. Ivana is still considering libel and slander lawsuit to file in International Criminal Court.

Friday, July 5, 2019


Sometime in the future, Ivana officially publish first memoir book. Title of book is VICTIM OF SUCCESS and Ivana shared small excerpts of work here on blog site! Today your first taste of Ivana book comes from section on teen years of Ivana. Enjoy and thank you to all FAN!!!


     Beginning high school was very difficult for Ivana. Every year from ages nine to thirteen, Ivana easily won first prize in the Angels of Egorova Youth Beauty and Sexy Pageant. However, now as having fourteen years, Ivana was too old to compete except in the division called “It’s Too Late for Gymnastics Career.” Incidentally, this pageant created many inspirations for future career of Eteri Tutberidze even though Eteri never competed in it due to feeling insecure about her natural look.
     Being forced to take a taxi to Moscow #1 Female Gymnasium was another hardship for Ivana. Waiting outside her family’s apartment for the taxi to arrive, Ivana was constantly being asked by complete strangers if she had successful modeling and acting careers. Women would ask Ivana for fashion and makeup tips. One oligarch often asked Ivana to accept 450,000 rubles if he could take a photo of her calves. She just wanted to be left alone.
  When classes started at her new school, Ivana was almost immediately given the nickname “Most Beautiful Girl in History of Moscow” by her teachers and classmates, who would even use this in Ivana’s presence. The president of the Lingerie Fashion Club volunteered to give up her position for Ivana. Teachers refused to give Ivana homework, and told her she could skip class on exam days in order to tan on the outdoor balcony reserved for cigarette smoking. 
  In addition to getting perfect grades without doing any work and being cursed with extreme beauty, Ivana was also hilarious. Even when she tried not to tell jokes, Ivana couldn’t help bringing humor and sunshine to everyday situations and frequently reduced people to tears with her puns, one-liners, and comedic anecdotes. Soon Ivana was being asked to headline local standup nights at the Hammer and Snicker Club, Moscow’s equivalent of the Laugh Factory.
  To make matters even worse, Ivana was surrounded by people who were jealous of her terrible life. Her brother, Kirill, would say to Ivana, “I must deny homosexual identity to avoid being ship to Siberia and do hard labor.”
     Ivana responded, “You want to experience real hard labor? Try being asked to seven parties, nineteen dates, and four premieres every night—and that is for weeknights! On ends of week, almost twice that amount.”
     The parents of Ivana, Lyudmilla and Anatoly, complained when they both suffered from rickets during the same long winter. Ivana reminded them that paying millions of rubles for treatment and missing weeks of work was nothing compared to every student in the school constantly reminding Ivana how smart, funny, and beautiful she was. Everyone wanted to be best friend of Ivana. But they did not understand that Ivana was actually nothing but an extreme victim!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Medvedeva: "If you need to wear something to show your support for me, a simple surgical mask will do."

Ivana Komova’s interview with Evgenia Medvedeva for

IK: Congratulations on ending a challenging season on a high by winning bronze in Saitama. What does this medal mean to you?

EM: I like to think of the medal as a symbol of newly acquired agency. Young women in sports like skating have far too frequently been shielded from empowerment; ironically, this is often done by older women in positions of authority. I could have “chosen” to retire after the last Olympics and get married to an oligarch, become his trophy and pump out children for him to mold into future phallocrats. I could have been the meek, obedient teenage girl who serves others at the expense of her own self-actualization. Some people wanted that scenario. Some people were mistaken.

IK: And you were able to share the podium with two students of your former coach, Eteri Tutberidze.

EM: Of course. It’s hard for me not to wonder what she was thinking when she saw me there holding a large and elegant floral arrangement. I do believe her students will continue to enjoy success, if we define “success” in a very specific way with some particular caveats your readers don’t need me to regurgitate. And I use that word advisedly.

IK: You’ve been outspoken in addressing Russian fans who viewed your move to Canada as traitorous.

EM: One of Khlebnikov’s poems paraphrases an old Russian folk tale about an orphan who is forced into prostitution and winds up crippled with infections that eventually require her to amputate most of her left leg, which makes her, much to her own surprise, far more in demand. I considered myself lucky because that was unlikely to be similar to my own situation, so if I must be an orphan, then training in a beautiful country with Jason, Yuzuru, and many other great people was my version of orphanhood. Next, I believe I have sufficiently addressed any questions about whether I am truly Russian or not. I have publicly supported every one of their Eurovision entries since I was old enough to have a social media presence, and that includes Buranovskiye Babushki and Yulia Samoylova. 

IK: Even Samoylova? Wow, that is patriotism at its most audacious. As you mentioned, two of your most well-known training mates are Jason Brown and Yuzuru Hanyu. Are you competing for the spotlight?

EM: Not at all. You want to see competition that will make a herd of hungry wildebeests confronted with a single steak seem like nap time at a Scandinavian commune, you know where to look. And it’s not the Cricket Club. Jason is the sweetest, kindest soul. He never even once questioned his free program or costume last year, in fact! Yuzuru is a mystery to everyone. I remember when I first considered moving to Toronto, my grandmother asked me if I was going to try to popularize an icon for my fans to associate with me, like Yuzuru has with Pooh. Sailor Moon seemed like the obvious choice, but I decided I would rather not give adults a reason to be embarrassed to cheer for me and simultaneously not tempt young people to dress up in ridiculous costumes to watch live skating. If you need to wear something to show your support for me, a simple surgical mask will do.

IK: Last year, you wound up changing your short program halfway through the season. The original program seemed very typical of David Wilson, but you switched to something choreographed by your friend Misha Ge.

EM: First of all, let me highlight the lack of my Canadian-ness by admitting that I am not innately capable of channeling relaxed jazzy feelings. Finger snapping, V-neck sweater vests, and suspenders—these are new and strange to me. To be able to evoke this vibe without years of practice, you must be born either in Canada or Alaska. Averbukh did have a program concept for me that related to Alaska: he wanted me to evoke the narrative of the Trump presidential campaign with quotes from Palin’s famous speech. Has it been definitely proven that she suffered from a series of strokes while delivering that oration? And what are right winging bitter clinging people? Something may be lost in translation.

IK: Don’t ask me. Averbukh, however, did create programs for you that were polarizing. When you look back on, say, the World Trade Center program, are there any regrets?

EM: Like so many things in modern life, it’s important to think of a continuum in order to keep perspective. Domnina and Shabalin had a program with brown faces and leaves, Lambiel did something involving a feline that I have heard is scarring, and we all know some of Plushenko’s lapses in taste. If the skating community wants to blame me for opening my mouth wide to show emotion about a tragedy, they should also be reminded that Tanith Belbin’s mouth was open much wider when she was playing any sort of character or, indeed, no character at all. If my gestures are seen as histrionic or in questionable taste, let us all be reminded of when Elena Ilinykh pretended to shoot herself or when Adam Rippon included the American Sign Language for “Yes, I am a power bottom” during the step sequence of his “Let Me Think About It” program. If I regret anything, it’s that I was denied the opportunity to control my artistic path, but I didn’t know such a thing was possible for teenage girls until too late.

IK: Are you implying that the Russian system, or the Tutberidze system, is authoritarian or oppressive?

EM: I cannot speak for the totality of the Russian system. Eteri is a woman who, I believe, is firmly convinced her methodology is backed by all relevant scientific, athletic, artistic, and psychological meters. She has found a nutritionist from North Korea who swears under oath to Divine Leader that a diet of three seeds and one melted ice cube per day is healthy for a growing human being. Eteri has blackmailed Shoma Uno’s team to let him train with her this summer in exchange for them writing notarized statements to the ISU that there is no such thing as a prerotated quadruple jump. Sambo is connected to an Uzbek choreography studio famous for working with Ruztic Yokelz, a Rednex tribute band, and these choreographers will go to court to defend Gleichengauz choreography as creative and original.

IK: I believe these are libelous statements, but of course I am not responsible for them.

EM: Eteri was like a mother to me. You may ask, was it more like the mother from Cinderella or a different type of mother, Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova from Crime and Punishment. And I’d say a bit of both but also not really either one. 

IK: If you could write a single tweet to her now, what would it say?

EM: #puberty

Nina Mozer: "Without mayonnaise a salad is worth less than an unmarried woman who has broken her sexual dam."

Ivana Komova’s interview with Nina Mozer for IK: So much has happened since the last time we talked. You retired,...