Friday, June 7, 2019

The Great Reporter of All Time Has New Home on the Line!!!


In past, I make wonder presence spread all over internet. But now I worry I become more openly spread than the legs of Jhonny Weir when he visit Western Hollywood, so time to set up one center location like we have Red Square in Moscow!!

This season I have many goals in both personal and professional realm! To mention important ones for you to get intrigue starting:

1. Write many posts criticize horror reporters, skaters (especially of USA and "China"), other skating web sites, and godlessness in general.

2. Continue interview new and wonder people of skating, make new knowledge and joy for all!!!

3. Grow in popular, amount of Chanel items in wardrobes, and wisdom but not in generousness or size of course!

4. Spa holidays as frequently as it can!!!!

Here you will find the words and the images that will create the fan fantasy Ivana has been known for all over the WORLD! You can ask questions, write comments I most likely will not read, and share the greatness any where! BUT DO NOT SHARE ON GODLESS WEB FORUMS GOLDEN SKAT OR FUS BECAUSE YOU CONTRIBUTE TO SIN AND HORROR!!!!!!!

Thank you have wonder day and stay tune for many date ups and surprises/suspenses!!!



Nina Mozer: "Without mayonnaise a salad is worth less than an unmarried woman who has broken her sexual dam."

Ivana Komova’s interview with Nina Mozer for IK: So much has happened since the last time we talked. You retired,...